Pathway to Self-Sufficiency

Be a Part of our Pathway to Self-Sufficiency

The Pathway to Self-Sufficiency is a garden and walkway within Van Saun Park created in partnership between Center for Hope & Safety and the County of Bergen, Department of Parks.
The Pathway honors the journey that survivors of domestic violence make on their way to self-sufficiency and memorializes those unable to complete it because they did not survive.
To help Center for Hope & Safety continue its mission of assisting victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children, our friends have an opportunity to buy an engraved brick that will be placed in the Pathway. This brick can have a special message engraved in honor or memory of a loved one or in celebration of a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion.
For example:
  • Peace- Remembering all affected by domestic violence
  • In honor of our beautiful children, XXXX and XXXX
  • In loving memory of my parents, XXXX and XXXX
  • The Women’s Club of Anywhere USA
  • XXXXX and XXXXX Smith, July 15, 1974
  • Happy 50th Birthday XXXX  
  • I love you mom!
  • BUSINESS NAME supports the Center for Hope & Safety 
We also offer a limited number of trees that can be planted near the Pathway.

Every year, during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, Center for Hope & Safety recognizes new bricks and trees at our Candlelight Vigil and highlights the Pathway during our Walk Together Against Domestic Violence.

Additionally, the Pathway can be enjoyed at any time for its landscaping and seating area. It is located near Parking Lot 4.

Orders are due September 16, 2024 to be added to the Pathway in October.

If you have any questions regarding a brick order, please email our Development team.