Our Impact

You Make a Difference! 

Everyone deserves a life that is safe, empowered, and free from violence.

At Center for Hope & Safety, we help adults and children who have been impacted by domestic violence build a safer, healthier life by offering support, resources, and professional services. This includes emergency and transitional housing, counseling, legal advocacy, job readiness and financial literacy training, art therapy, and so much more.

Thanks to your help, we’re building a world where no one has to choose between staying in a harmful situation and potential homelessness or loss of hope. Center for Hope & Safety’s services are here for every domestic violence victim and survivor who needs them.

Thanks to your support, in 2023:

  • Our free 24/7 hotline received 360 crisis calls from domestic violence victims seeking emergency shelter in our Safe House.
  • Our Safe House program, licensed by the NJ Department of Community Affairs, sheltered 296 adults and children, with an average length of stay of 123 days. Our committed Safe House team, with additional support from our Community Services team, provided full operational and case management support. Ninety-five percent (95%) of the victims we served reported acquiring more strategies for enhancing their safety.
  • 34 adults/families and 32 children received safe shelter in our Transitional Housing Program and 32 families moved on to permanent housing.
  • Safe and Sustainable Futures, a newly implemented rapid re-housing program in 2023, successfully placed 6 survivors and their children into their own homes.
  • 192 children in our Safe House and Transitional Housing Programs received services and more than 300 Community Program children received referrals/assistance, holiday gifts and/or attended agency activities.
Pie graph showing the number of clients provided emergency shelter by Center for Hope & Safety in 2023
Pie chart showing number of children by age provided emergency shelter by Center for Hope & Safety in 2023
Pie chart showing number of adults by age provided emergency shelter by Center for Hope & Safety in 2023
Pie chart showing number of adults and children provided transitional housing by Center for Hope & Safety in 2023


  • Center for Hope & Safety’s Domestic Violence Liaisons at NJ’s Division of Child Protection & Permanency (DCPP) offices served 495 families impacted by domestic abuse.
  • Project CHILD (Confidence, Hope, Independence, Love and Direction) served 37 families for a total of 54 children, a 23% increase from 2022. Project CHILD provides weekly group and individual creative arts therapy to children ages 4 to 12 who have experienced/witnessed domestic violence, and also case management and therapeutic support to the child’s non-abusive parent. Eighty percent (80%) of children who completed the program showed improved emotional, cognitive and behavioral development. Ninety-six percent (96%) of families completing the program showed improved family functioning.
  • Our Community Services team served 343 adults and children through weekly support group meetings and assistance with applications for various governmental assistance, safety planning, risk assessments, career counseling and financial literacy, as well as multicultural services for Latinx and other minority/underserved victims of domestic violence in Bergen County. We also continued to offer The Art of Survival arts-based support group for adult survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault (featuring painting, collage, afro-modern dance and a drumming circle) and a similar program for children, Creative Connections.
  • Our Legal Services team served 371 individuals on 801 legal matters, a 25% increase in legal matters from 2022. Advice and counsel were provided to 286 clients and legal representation to 215 clients.
  • The total number of victims served is 1,678.

Center for Hope & Safety has helped thousands of survivors of domestic violence; we could not have done all of this without our supporters.


Last updated March 11, 2024