Special Events

Throughout the year, Center for Hope & Safety hosts a number of special fundraisers and community events. Your support of these events helps victims and survivors of domestic violence, and their children, turn fear into safety, helplessness into strength, and isolation into hope. Thank you!

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Join us for a variety of annual events throughout the month to bring awareness to domestic violence on a widespread scale and within our local community.

Evening of Hope

Our annual Evening of Hope celebration spotlights remarkable stories of strength, hope, and healing as we recognize the incredible impact the generosity of our supporters has had on our community.

Save the date for our next Evening of Hope on April 3, 2025.

Annual Golf Classic

Join us at Edgewood Country Club in River Vale for an exciting day of golf followed by networking over cocktails, dinner, and awards! Learn more

Save the date for our next Golf Classic on June 12, 2025.